It was bad luck for your wedding ... (go back »)

June 23 2008, 2:41 PM

For your wedding you have to pay attention to the smallest detail and have ears but always alert to any advice on customs or warning Grandma ...

For your Wedding you have to pay attention to the smallest detail and have ears but always alert to any advice on customs or warning of the grandmother, mother, friends, newly married to… you go though the wedding day and in your married life.


They say for example that if the groom is the dress of the bride before the wedding, is bad luck, and that situation and there are other more.

The groom can see the dress his wife until the wedding day, otherwise, may bring bad luck to both. You must be very careful so that everything is surprise and he does not have a single clue how is your dress.

Above the bride!

Insurance've seen, especially in films, which the bridegroom to the bride cargo before entering the place where they will live. Well, this also has a why.

It turns out that is to protect them from evil spirits who might be hiding behind the door of the new home. Thus, he ensures the successful launch of their lives together.
What do you think?!
Without having to hours of wedding
Oh, oh! Do not be a night before the wedding ceremonies will be difficult…. and most, if takes you serenade.
Anyway you tell what counts the legend: it is said that the couple will have misfortune in their marriage, if the groom is the bride the night before the wedding. You and your boyfriend decide.

To the left of Novi
He may not have you noticed, but the bride in the church is always on the left side of the groom (chécalo in pairs before the altar and to leave the church).
Do you know why there is this tradition?

It is this custom of the times in which it was common for the bride was kidnapped by her boyfriend, then, well placed, the groom had his right hand free to maneuver it with his sword, for if I had to deal with the relatives of the bride, if they were to rescue her.

Surely there was a muuuy typical battle, otherwise we would not have made a tradition, do not you think?

For more information visit here:UK Wedding Directories

In wedding


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